Numerology Life Path Number 2

Numerology Life Path Number 2 By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Nothing truly valuable can be achieved exceptby the unselfish cooperation of many individuals.– Albert Einstein   The following article describes what numerology life path number 2 means. If you are new to Numerology you can find an explanation to how you calculate your life path […]

Numerology Life Path Number 1

Numerology Life Path Number 1 By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) “Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string” – Ralph Waldo Emerson   The following article describes what numerology life path number 1 means. If you are new to Numerology you can find an explanation to how you calculate your life path number at the […]

Sign of Aquarius Karma and Aquarius Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Aquarius Karma and Aquarius Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Sign of Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02) Throughout our life, we all learn about the truth which Aquarius was born to realize: people can be united only through Universal Love. Aquarius who knows what Universal Love really mean is able to value the […]

Sign of Virgo Karma and Virgo Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Virgo Karma and Virgo Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Sign of Virgo (24.08 – 23.09) Throughout our life we all realize what Virgo was born for: everything in this world has been created already and everything what we have to do is accept it. Virgo will be able to awaken […]

Sign of Pisces Karma and Pisces Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Pisces Karma and Pisces Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Sign of Pisces (20.02 – 20.03) Throughout our life, we all discover that self-sacrifice is sacred. For Pisces, it is verity and the most important thing in life. By getting rid of our negative character traits, by developing and improving our […]

Sign of Sagittarius Karma and Sagittarius Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Sagittarius Karma and Sagittarius Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Sign of Sagittarius (23.11-21.12) Throughout our life we all learn the truth that Sagittarius was born to realize: Good and Divine is present in everything. Sagittarius is the sign of inspiration, people of that sign always feel great. While the other […]

Sign of Libra Karma and Libra Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Libra Karma and Libra Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Sign of Libra (24.09 – 23.10)   During our life we all have to realize something that is the life’s goal of Libra: highest form of balance is inner peace, the state when peace and harmony occupy your soul and nothing […]

Sign of Taurus Karma and Taurus Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Taurus Karma and Taurus Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Horoscope Sign of Taurus (21.04 – 21.05) Every person during their lives reaches the conclusion: most important values are inside of their own soul. And, life always gives a person what he really needs. (“You can’t always get what you want, […]

Sign of Leo Karma and Leo Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Leo Karma and Leo Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Horoscope Sign of Leo (23.07 – 23.08) During our life we all learn what Leo is born for: power of love is stronger than the love for power, to learn how to truly love yourself is more important than being loved […]

Sign of Gemini Karma and Gemini Life Purpose Horoscope

Sign of Gemini Karma and Gemini Life Purpose Horoscope By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Horoscope Sign of Gemini (22.05 – 21.06) During our lifetime, in one way or another,  we all discover the fact that Divine (as well as humans) has many ways to express itself. Gemini are born to embrace this fact. When they […]