7-Chakra Life Cycles, Crisis Years and How to do Well in The School of Life
7-Chakra Life Cycles, Crisis Years and How to do Well in The School of Life By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) The school of life is the place where you are always given an opportunity to learn. The process of learning makes the journey more interesting and gives you a chance to evolve. Exams in this […]
Informational Paradigm and Spiritual Science of Higher Consciousness
Informational Paradigm and Spiritual Science of Higher Consciousness By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Informational paradigm, energy-informational world, chakras, human aura, quantum physics, consciousness awakening… why are people talking about all that? Can’t they just live as “normal people”? What does it mean to be normal by the way? It seems that there is actually […]
Karmic Healing, Body of Memory and Dealing with Stress from the Past
Karmic Healing, Body of Memory and Dealing with Stress from the Past By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) The concept of “back to the future” is a fascinating one. How can you go back – to the Future?! On the other hand, if you think about it, we all have to go back and clean […]
Human Health Explained Through the Physics of the Human Brain Activity
Human Health Explained Through Physics of the Human Brain Activity By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Consumer-oriented mindset always pushes us for external solutions to our problems in life especially when it concerns health. Most people are still searching outside for “panacea”, “fountain of youth” or a “magic pill”. Everyone wants to be free from the constraints […]
From Survival To Joyful Living During Informational Paradigm
From Survival To Joyful Living During Informational Paradigm By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Why are there so many people talking about raising their consciousness, energy healing, awakening, chakras, enlightenment, human aura, quantum physics and informational paradigm? Why not just live like most people – get an education, find a job, get married, have kids […]
Physics of Seven Chakras and How to Balance 7 Chakras Correctly
Physics of Seven Chakras and How to Balance 7 Chakras Correctly By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) What are the seven chakras that you have probably heard about from a yoga instructor or during an energy healing session? Do they really exist? Is there anyone who has actually seen them or been able to measure them […]
Beyond Human Aura Energy Field – Human Heart vs. Human Brain
Beyond Human Aura Energy Field – Human Heart vs. Human Brain By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) All humans have a brain, many people know how to use it and only a few know how to use it effectively without going over the limits of harmony created by the Universe. We also have our heart […]
Levels of Consciousness and Modern Worldview
Levels of Consciousness and Modern Worldview By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Many people are looking for the answers to what is wrong with the world today. The answer could be quite simple. It is all about the worldview. It is how we see the world around us and what we, as humanity, make our […]
Higher Self – Visual Model of the Causal Body of Higher Consciousness
Higher Self – Visual Model of the Causal Body of Higher Consciousness By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Higher Self, Spirit, Your Meditational Self or Your Higher Consciousness, what does it all really mean and is there an easy to understand model that can describe why certain events happen in life and give the answer to whether […]
Physics Behind Akashic Records and How to Deal with Stress on the Mental Body
Physics Behind Akashic Records and How to Deal with Stress on the Mental Body By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) What is our memory and can science help us explain how it works? What does it have to do with the esoteric term “akashic records” and is there a way to get rid of negative subconsciously […]