Life Path Number 6

By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
– Muhammad Ali

life path number 6In this article you will learn what numerology life path number 6 stands for. If you are new to Numerology you can find an explanation to how you calculate your life path number at the end of the article. Keep in mind that life path 6 is just one of the numbers influencing your life. Even though your life path is a very important number that defines the strategy of your life, there are a lot more keys, insights and knowledge to be discovered through the meaning of numbers in your numerology birth chart.

Numerology #6 is connected with balance, responsibility and love. Life Path Number 6 has a lot of energy of service in it. It holds the harmony between the macrocosms and microcosms. Some sources perceive numerology 6 to be the perfect number. The key to the numerology 6 life path number is love toward others in order to exist for others. Life path number 6 brings the energy of practicality, realism, materialization of harmony, craft and work in service. Numerology number 6 symbolizes the combination of higher divine with hard work on Earth.

For many people with life path number 6 independence is impossible until initiative becomes their everyday habit. Most people with life path 6 have good connection with the animal world. Life path number 6 have to learn how to enjoy responsibility that was given to them and how to effectively fulfill it. They are given the ability to create comfort where it is needed and are good in supporting those who are weak. Many people turn to people with life path number 6 for help. It is important for people with life path 6 to know the difference between helping someone and interfering with their lives. Because they can see the harmony, people with life path #6 like to impose their thoughts on others.

Life path number 6 is about service,
balance and responsibility.

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7 years ago

I love it this is a great thing to kno n very interesting n helps us actually see how we r like the every bit about ourselves n it’s so true.. Help us/whoever actually looks into this n helf make good/better discussions in life…

Wendy Fraser
Wendy Fraser
7 years ago

I am passionate about the vibration of numbers. Thank you for your clarity

Patty Broughton-Bouchier
Patty Broughton-Bouchier
7 years ago

Thank you for your clarity on numerology,

voyance en direct
voyance en direct
7 years ago

many many thanks for sharing a very helpful article about numerology. this content is very helpful for me. I know much more things about numerology on this artical.

7 years ago

Lol this is kinda creepy but so true about me!!

7 years ago

Yes, good information. Wish it were a little more positive.

7 years ago


Linford Hero Thomas
7 years ago

Oh it’s really positive enough

7 years ago

Good article and nice analysis

6 years ago

Oh my describes me to a tee. At age 61 years old now. was in a very long term marriage to the wrong person who left me, just knowing that all I ever wanted was a good family home, could never be mean to anyone, always giving, children that I nurtured and still do even as adults and many times feel alone, abandoned, this article was a good analysis of me.
After finding out late in life, 4 years ago that I had been adopted, didn’t have a good relationship with my adoptive mother, ran away to escape her abuse and joined the Navy, all I ever wanted was to be loved and love back.
My being a #6 makes me validate my being: soul, spirit and heart. Thank you.

6 years ago

Amazingly accurate ! Thank you for your wisdom and clarity.

6 years ago


Forlah shades
Forlah shades
6 years ago

Very true analysis for me…..d desire to love and be loved in return…the sacrificesfor others n responsibility gene.
Comfort…peace..n laughter
Children friends family


Barbara Bryant
Barbara Bryant
5 years ago

I enjoyed your shares I’m always trying to understand myself so I can raise my awareness . …

Lorna Burke
Lorna Burke
4 years ago

This is so me. But always be victorious at the end , although it’s a long process. I am the sixth child born to my mother.