Life Path Number 9

By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)

In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are
absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin,
without even opening them.
– Mark Twain


The following article describes what numerology life path number 9 means. If you are new to Numerology you can find an explanation to how you calculate your life path number at the end of the article. Keep in mind that life path 9 is just one of the numbers influencing your life. Even though your life path is a very important number that defines the strategy of your life, there are a lot more keys, insights and knowledge to be discovered through the meaning of numbers in your numerology birth chart.

In Numerology, Number 9 is the symbol of wisdom and initiation. It is the last number before the next harmony. Numerology number 9 has the qualities of all the numbers 1-8. If you add 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 you get 36 and if you add 3+6 you get 9. Number 9 is highly emotional and spiritual. Numerology 9 holds the path towards mystical knowledge.

People with life path number 9 care a lot about their spiritual comfort, they care about the comfort of their soul. They can realize from a very young age that material goods have no value for the soul. People with life path number 9 see the imperfection of the world around them and they often have their own idealistic worldview. It could be very hard for them to find the balance between the ideal world and reality. People with life path #9 have the tendency to save the world. They can be influenced by the emotional swings and it could lead them to depression. The ideal and perfect world that they create in their mind is far from reality and that can make them unhappy. People with life path number 9 are often very vulnerable. It is often hard for them to make a decision. They want to help everyone, but at the same time they don’t want to hurt anyone (“you can’t make an omelet without breaking couple of eggs”). Life path 9 often feels alienation from the world and could be considered very wise or crazy by others. Their idealistic worldview could be seen as a weakness by others. Many people with life path number 9 are given a lot of potential at birth, but not many of them can handle it and realize their talents at their full capacity.

Life path number 9 is about wisdom and spiritual comfort.

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Reese Clark
Reese Clark
8 years ago

Hello Sir,
I truly appreciated your insight into the numerology of life path 9. It has the most depth I have seen and helps to provide information to a life path that feels complex. I have signed up for your website as a result of your posting. Thank you very much

8 years ago

i want to know how this life path thing works.nd what it can show about me nd my life..

7 years ago

exallent prediction truth 100%

Bob Williams
Bob Williams
7 years ago

Life path number 9 truly is a blessing and a curse. With great power comes great responsibility. I’ve been a college instructor, alcohol rehab counselor, artist/designer, rebel without a cause. I’ve stood ground against bullies and authority figures. I am very much like my father. I am very liberal and see the imperfections of the world clearly. And I am an idealist, which makes life difficult.

“You’re an idealist, and I pity you
as I would the village idiot.”
– Stanley Kubrick

Gwendolyn Bethel
Gwendolyn Bethel
2 years ago
Reply to  Bob Williams

Hi Bob,
Just wanted to say I 9, and I too work in addictions counseling and most days I love it especially doing groups.

Max Tunis
Max Tunis
7 years ago

All my life I have always felt something higher calling me. I used to feel alone as a kid because of the relationships I had with both of my parents. It is not their fault though they do their best with me. I turned 20 on October 1st and I asked the Universe/God for a lot of growth this year. It has by no means been an easy year but I have been more happy and centered than ever before. I am experiencing life like never before and I am embarking on New Journeys that will amazing. Everything I have read and lived/experienced has been turning into a lesson to me. I feel blessed that I was sent guides along the way. Bob Marley is such a 9 though and I always felt a special connection with him when I listened to his music.

Reese Clark
Reese Clark
7 years ago
Reply to  Max Tunis

What a beautiful transformation you have allowed for yourself! The complete coming a part in order to come together in a more whole and loving way.
I am glad you are listening to the music of a fellow 9 person! I also invite you to go out in nature to strengthen your heart.
You are a brave soul and you have not only blessed yourself by your work and commitment, you have healed us all!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Max Tunis

I couldn’t agree more. Reading what you wrote made me feel like you are talking about my life.

7 years ago

A very informative article, thank you! The characteristics all tie up with my Eastern and Western horoscopes as well.
I however, get confused in the process of adding the numbers. In fact, for long I thought I was an 8, using your calculation method. Some authors say the correct way to add is to separate the addition for each – the day, month and year – then adding the subtotals – which makes me a 9. Why is there no consensus in the calculation method? If the result varies so much I’d think the formula is a good place to start for us novices.

7 years ago
Reply to  Yolanda

Am 9 what’s the best thing I can do in life to get rich that I can help others

Life Script Doctor
7 years ago

You don’t have to be rich in order to start helping others. By phrasing your wish this way, you are breaking one of the rules in making your wish come true. I would recommend to start with the following two articles on the website:

“9 Essential Rules To Manifestation Techniques Beyond The Law of Attraction”

“11 Rules Of Dealing With Money And Staying On Top Of Financial Wave”

For more advanced knowledge or personal guidance you might want to consider services section of the website.

Debra A
Debra A
7 years ago

Very intriguing. Thank you.

7 years ago

Its crazy bc i knew 9 was s strong number for me my condo unit #2124 address is 9000 i knew only the basics that 9 was completion x finality. Ive been writing a book on this very essence bc it is manifesting itself and i had no way to release so i began to write in a journal back in 2013 and i now know what my purpose is…..before i read this. This is a needed confirmation.

Karl Baum
Karl Baum
7 years ago


7 years ago

Very is my 58th bday (09-03-59). Im glad i found this 411..ty :).. Bobby

Lady Positivity
Lady Positivity
6 years ago

This. Was. The . Push .I.Needed!!!

5 years ago

Hey um thank you so much for this it has really showed who I am for the past year I saw the number 9 everywhere when I searched it up it told me that when I see it someone I love needs me so for the past year I’ve helped people only about 10 minutes ago I was reading my daily horoscope and then it said find out your path line number so I did it and but in my birthday and I sat there a thought if it comes up with 9 I’ll be shocked and it did and then I started crying because it’s crazy to think a how crazy this world is and how much a number can explain and me so thank you ❤️

Sm:)e (Actually it's Tabby for short)
Sm:)e (Actually it's Tabby for short)
5 years ago

This really hit close to home, it was perfectly alined with my life like, it all made sense but the influence by father thing was correct on the major scale, the want to please everyone but hurt no one, the struggle to find the right person, all of this described my life, even some of the… Negative things

millie leah rogers
millie leah rogers
5 years ago

it is absolutely insane how accurate this is, this has made me 100% believe in numerology. Amazing

5 years ago

Well done

5 years ago

A lot of pages give descriptions of 9’s and for some reason they didn’t resignate with my truth until now, even though the descriptions are similar, yours is easily understood through the eyes of a true 9 life path number. Thank you for this.

Shawn Paul Bertrand Jr
Shawn Paul Bertrand Jr
4 years ago

I cried a bit when I read this. I have always felt like the hermit & the fool. I was born the 22nd… hence the fool. 07/22/1987=36=(9) my little sister is my best friend and is a 9 as well. 09/24/1992=36=(9) everything ok ng you said hit so close to home. It’s like you read my mind. Thank you for this. Its comforting to know there are kindred spirits out there even though sometimes we can feel and be so alone. -Shawn & Hilary

4 years ago

Thank you🙏🏾✨
I needed this!
Right now I’m searching for answers to why I feel so low. I cannot fake my feelings & everyone is noticing which makes me want to run, hide & not socialise.
I still don’t have the answers but I’m trying & listening to you has really made me feel that someone actually understands me & it’s ok to be me.
I pray I find my calling, my destiny, what & who GOD intends me to be.
I love you & thank you again

Love Capricorn number 9

Gwendolyn Bethel
Gwendolyn Bethel
2 years ago

I enjoyed your thesis on the life path # 9, and it is dead on with my inner thoughts and feelings. I am impressed at the accuracy of it.

Maduagwu Ndubuisi Valentine
Maduagwu Ndubuisi Valentine
2 years ago

Wow… I’m so blessed to be part of this family… As a life path 9; i can fully grasp it all clearly now…. thanks so much for being a medium of clarity to us all….