Life Path Number 8

By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)
Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.
– Lao Tzu
The following article describes what numerology life path number 8 means. If you are new to Numerology you can find an explanation of how you calculate your life path number at the end of the article. Keep in mind that Life Path 8 is just one of the numbers influencing your life. Even though your life path is a very important number that defines the strategy of your life, there are a lot more keys, insights, and knowledge to be discovered through the meaning of numbers in your numerology birth chart.
The key element of the numerology number 8 is power and strength. It is the combination of two worlds: material and spiritual together at one point (see the symbol on infinity). Power has to come from a spiritual source and this highest energy has the ability to withstand animal urges. The personal power of Numerology #8 is not the power that comes with anger and aggression; it is the power that comes with patience and female energy that gives you strength to accomplish all your desires. If the aggressive power is tamed it begins to serve and bring benefit to others.
Life path 8s should not try to kill their urges and passions, they just need to learn how to use them. A wise person takes care of all his or her urges, even the “negative” ones. The true art of life for a life path #8 is to transform negative energies into positive ones. We all need the power of our ego in order to unite everyone in the name of the highest interests. People with life path number 8 have the energy to unite different qualities for power and effective use. Numerology #8 has the energy of a boss and that of control. People with life path number 8 are often leaders, but they do have to draw their power not from their own ego but from their own Spirit and divine. They are fighters and are often quite brave, they are the leaders with power. Number 8 is not the power when it is alone, it is the transmitter of the divine power that can hold things together. One of the major goals in the life of a person with life path number 8 is to learn how to receive true satisfaction from the material world. However, they should be careful not to fall into the negative side of greed for power that could lead to failure and increase the karmic debt. Life path number 8s need to keep themselves in balance. When they begin to treat everything as just black & white they can fall into their fears and it can make life path number 8 lose their confidence.
Life path number 8 is about power, ambitions and financial success.
Positive qualities of people with life path number 8 include persistence, good understanding & managing money, trustworthiness, competence, leadership, reliability, and a business way of thinking. They do need to learn how to use their own power. The creativity of people with 8 life path is manifested in their ability to effectively manage others.
The energy of life path number 8 individual is connected with management on the high levels and big scale projects. They can start with small projects, but then step by step move to a global scale. Number 8 person is a natural leader with an interest in material success, and wants to have personal power and great status. As a rule, people with life path number 8 are not satisfied with the position they are holding and they want to get higher. Life path 8 often has many ambitions. They often choose military careers, sports, work with finances, and corporate business. People with life path number 8 in general are good in business and can become good surgeons and high-tech specialists. Their occasional lack of tact rarely leaves them unnoticeable. Life path #8 is very direct.
People with life path number 8 are usually true and sincere in their personal life and love life. They can arouse strong feelings from the opposite sex. You should perceive people with Life Path 8 as they are, you can’t change them. They could demand full devotion from their partners and sometimes become possessive and authoritative. They can be really good friends and very dangerous enemies. The toughest personal relationship for life path 8s is with another life path 8 individual or 1. People with Life Path 8 can work with other Life Path numbers if they stop controlling too much and don’t make their partners do what they can’t. In order to find harmony they need to look within and stop looking at the person next to them.
Here is the list of famous people with the life path number 8: Michelangelo, Pablo Picasso, Nelson Mandela, Alexander Graham Bell, Sandra Bullock, Anthony Hopkins, Halle Berry, Jason Statham, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Matt Damon, Penelope Cruz, Tommy Lee Jones, Whoopi Goldberg, 50 Cent
Your birth-given potential will not fulfill itself until you discover it, embrace it, and invest your energy to fully realize it. Personal numerology reading or numerology report (as well as other ways of energy-informational analysis) can help you better understand how you can live a fulfilling life of purpose.
You are welcome to browse Life Script Doctor website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge check the online course and feel free to contact me with any inquiries.
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P.S. As promised in the beginning, here is an example of how you calculate your Life Path Number:
Add all the numbers in your date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy d+d+m+m+y+y+y+y = add each digit from the number you came up with to get a single digit Example: 1st of August 1981 = 01/08/1981 = 0+1+0+8+1+9+8+1=28=2+8=10=1 Those who were born on the 1st of August 1981 have the life path number 1 (not 10, since 0 doesn’t count)
Great article. The number 8 symbolizes infinity. Yes it is true that people on life path 8 are strong and powerful. They can work on very large scale projects and can deal with people easily. People in life path 8 can have material wealth success.
Thank you so much. You are AWESOME! This has been extremely informative on a deeper level, than most sites describing life path 8. this is what I have been looking for.
I have signed up for your mailing list, and will subscribe to your youtube channel. Just the Buzz/pep talk I needed. LOL Thanks again
This was actually all i needed to know!
Well now i’ll start looking for my inner power and finally learn how,to use it in a Decent way my Apereciation miro…
Richard Branson is also a LP 8
Quite true and precise. Info on 8 as life path no solved a long raging conflict. Thanks
My boyfriend has the life path number 8 and everything detailed here is spot on about him. He recently joined the Navy, he has always thrived in leadership positions, and I foresee him being very materially successful in the future. (He is also very dominant in relationships). As I read through I was just in awe at how accurate this is.
Absolutely truth….I’m # 8 and everything about me is financial sucess and power once in process to conquer my success I did not stop until I become senior manager over 450 people operation in Boeing. I’m a dreamer the moment a dream get ruts in my head I become addicted to achieve it. I escape communist Romania to come to US. Im author of the book Destination Unknown.
You sound much like me, but on a different path… Well done!
Thak you so much. This was very helpful. Having that balance is difficult at fist but mastering it is really the key. I admire the way you explained it all. Again, thankyou!
Awesome. This describes me totally. Thank you for the insight.
This is very interesting and I could relate to a lot of information that describes me and truly how I feel and think. It show me a lot of issues that I need to address that are negative because there is so much positive in my mind and heart. Thank you and I will pursue more information.
Great description. All your info is just on point. True talk.
I am grateful.
Life is all about Vibration Energy & Frequency. Numbers have a great role in deciding all three. Life path number helps us decide our overall strategy of life journey serving as our GPS. Very much thankful to you for such wonderful insight on life path number 8. Balance is the key. Love & regards to you.
So happy to read the post. My sister’s daughter is number 8 and there are so many positive points to know about the number 8. Thank you for sharing the post.
holy shit me to a fucking tea
This description was absolutely dead on.
Envying an 8 is like envying a beautiful man or woman. You think you want what they have
But the number 8 can be problematic. People can sense the strength and feel threatened or inadequate next to you because of it. Trust me. Id rather be another number sometimes. Its a bit too heavy.
Speaking as an 8 I work best with other 8s, cause they dont feel threatened by me and appreciate a strong 8 woman working for them who thinks in the bigger picture like they do. They also know how to take me and know I’m no threat and know when to check a young 8 like myself…which I really do appreciate (RE: the dark side he talks about).
There are also a lot of homeless out there that are 8s too because we tend to rub people the wrong way. Hence…frequent joblessness (I’m lucky I don’t have that problem)
Bosses feel threatened and think you are questioning or bucking their authority or making them look bad just by being at the same meeting as you.
All I want is to get people inspired to do great things that make them happy and fulfilled and feel valued. That’s not what all bosses want and dont always appreciate people that do that
Nice article 👌
Thanks for the enlightenment
Now I have to start to work on my inner powers