What is Numerology – Evolution of Consciousness in Numerology Numbers

By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)

Who is behind is Numerology? How to use this effective life-changing tool? Can numerology numbers help us describe the evolution of consciousness?


Nobody can deny the contribution and great influence that Pythagoras had on science, mathematics, and geometry. We all learn a theorem with his name in school – “square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of squares of the other two sides in the right triangle”. However, not many people know that Pythagoras was also a philosopher, mystic and the forefather of Numerology.

In the 4th century B.C. he had a revolutionary idea for the time – the human soul is immortal. Pythagoras had nothing against the Greek Gods that were very popular at that time, but he was one of the first who introduced the notion of one God and that the purpose of human life is to let the divine into your heart.

 “Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons” 

– Pythagoras


Pythagoras introduced a concept of harmony or music of spheres.  Later he based a whole metaphysical system on it. According to this concept of harmony, everything in the Universe is in balance and unity – everything and everyone is playing their unique and important part in the one great vibrational chorus.

Many theories of Pythagoras later became the foundation of the modern Numerology and gave meaning to numbers. He was one of the first spiritual scientists who connected the cosmic music of vibrations with Numerology. Pythagoras established that Numerology Number Meanings lie in the foundation of all that exists in our Universe. Everything in the world, living and non-living, men and women follow the laws of vibrations and can be described in numbers.

 “Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe” – Galileo Galilei

According to Numerology, every number has its own meaning – Each number has its own vibration just like notes in music. The conceptual qualities behind numbers in Numerology can help you discover meaning in the mission of a human soul, describe personal qualities. Personal birth chart reading can reveal why some people have it easy in life while others struggle in certain areas.

At birth, you receive a certain set of qualities. Knowing these qualities can help you discover and reach your full potential. It can also help you see strong potential traits that should be developed and weak points that should be given proper attention. Human qualities can be described in Numerology numbers 1 through 9. Since everything in our world has its own vibrational frequency the character and qualities of your soul are greatly influenced by the vibration of the date that you were born. Vibrations of your personality and thoughts always interact and resonate with the vibrations of time and space.

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Number 1
Number 1
10 years ago

Nice and remarkable analysis.

6 years ago

Thank you for these insights, you take a different view for the explanation behind numerology. I congratulate you for the research behind this.

