Informational Paradigm and Spiritual Science of Higher Consciousness
Informational Paradigm and Spiritual Science of Higher Consciousness By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Informational paradigm, energy-informational world, chakras, human aura, quantum physics, consciousness awakening… why are people talking about all that? Can’t they just live as “normal people”? What does it mean to be normal by the way? It seems that there is actually […]
Levels of Consciousness and Modern Worldview
Levels of Consciousness and Modern Worldview By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Many people are looking for the answers to what is wrong with the world today. The answer could be quite simple. It is all about the worldview. It is how we see the world around us and what we, as humanity, make our […]
Higher Self – Visual Model of the Causal Body of Higher Consciousness
Higher Self – Visual Model of the Causal Body of Higher Consciousness By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor) Higher Self, Spirit, Your Meditational Self or Your Higher Consciousness, what does it all really mean and is there an easy to understand model that can describe why certain events happen in life and give the answer to whether […]