Five Wise Men Parable

By Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)
Five wise men got lost in the forest.
The first one said:
– I will go left – my intuition tells me that.
The second one said:
– I will go right – there is a reason why right comes from the word rightness.
The third one said:
– I will go back – we came from there, it means I will be able to get back.
The fourth one said:
– I will go straight – we should move forward, the forest will sooner or later end and something new will open.
The fifth said:
– You all are wrong!There is a better solution. Wait for me.
He found the tallest tree and climbed on it. While he was climbing everyone else scattered towards their own sides. From above he saw where they should go to leave the forest faster. Now he could even see in what order all the other wise men will reach the end of the forest. He climbed higher and saw the shortest way. He understood the problem and found the best solution! He knew that he did everything right. And the others were wrong. They were stubborn and they didn’t listen to him. He was the real Wise Man!
But was he really?
Everyone was right in their own way. The one who went left found himself in the thicket. He had to starve and fight with wild animals. But he learned how to survive in the forest; he became a part of the forest and could teach others the same.
The one who went right met thieves. They took everything from him and made him steal with them. But after some time, he had woken up in those thieves something that they have forgotten – humanity and compassion. The remorse was so strong in some of them, that after his death they also became the wise men.
The one who went back made a pathway through the forest, which soon became a road for those who wanted to walk in the forest without being afraid of getting lost.
The one who went straight became a pioneer. He visited places no one ever been to. He discovered new wonderful opportunities for self-growth, amazing healing plants, and magnificent animals.
The one who climbed the tree became a professional in finding solutions. People turned to him when they wanted to find the most efficient way of dealing with challenges. This is how each of the five wise men reached their own destiny.
What choice would you make? (use the comment section below)
I would walk straight thru…Namaste’ <3
I would be the wise WOMAN to trust and love them all 🙂
I hope I find a good women like you! have a extremely bountiful future *****
I would run in circles.
I’d pitch my tent right there and open a communication center so people could gather, discuss ideas and rest before continuing their journeys. I’d provide sound, voice and music meditations & workshops.
I would go straight and make a way to upcomers….
I would go straight ahead thats the way to go.
Knowledge is power learn from all five apply the knowledge to your circumstances as they apply