about your host

Dmitriy (aka Life Script Doctor)
The main drive behind my current work is to guide people in the process of self-discovery and awakening their nature-given supernatural abilities. Through in-person workshops, online courses, and personal consultations, I share knowledge on how you can, not just survive, but ride the waves of the informational tsunami of the XXI century. A lot of my work is based on the new spiritual science Infosomatics, Numerology, ancient knowledge of the Ukrainian tradition called Spas, Rune/Glyph magic as well as many other consciousness-awakening fields and energy practices.
You can find my articles on Wake-Up World, OmTimes magazine, Learning Mind, and other conscious online media sources. You can also check my youtube channel with more than 20,000 subscribers and 2.8 mln views. Feel free to reach out with questions or possible ways of co-creation.
“At the end of the day, it does not really matter what you can give or take, what really matters is the level of awareness, happiness, and abundance you can reach in order to share it with others”.
– Anonymous